Gavini Pediatric & ADHD Clinics

26850 Providence Parkway, Suite 300, Novi, MI 48374 :: 248.348.4200 ::

Basal Cell CarcinomaBasal Cell Carcinoma

Squamous Cell CarcinomaSquamous Cell Carcinoma

Skin Cancer

What is Skin Cancer

Skin cancers include melanoma, basal cell, and squamous cell.
  • Basal and squamous cell are common and treatment is very effective;
  • Malignant melanoma, especially in later stages of melanoma, is serious and treatment is difficult. Melanoma of the skin is a cancer of the pigment-producing cells in the skin, known as melanocytes.
Sun exposure is the biggest cause of melanoma and other skin cancers, but early diagnosis and treatment can increase the survival rate from melanoma. Melanoma is often found on the trunk or the head and neck. In women, melanoma often develops on the arms and legs. In most cases, melanoma is easy to self-detect at an early stage, regular self-examination of your skin once a month is recommended.

Malignant MelanomaMalignant Melanoma

Signs and Symptoms

The symptoms of skin cancer may include a mole that
  • Changes in size, shape, or color.
  • Has irregular edges or borders.
  • Is more than 1 color.
  • Is asymmetrical (if the mole is divided in half, the 2 halves are different in size or shape).
  • Itches.
  • Oozes, bleeds, or is ulcerated.
  • Change in pigmented (colored) skin.


Being exposed to natural sunlight or artificial sunlight (such as from tanning beds) over long periods of time is the main cause of skin cancer. The sun is the cause of 90% of all skin cancers. The following are common risk factors:
  • Having a fair complexion, which includes the following:
    • Fair skin that freckles and burns easily, does not tan or tans poorly.
    • Blue or green or other light-colored eyes.
    • Red or blond hair.
  • Having a history of many blistering sunburns as a child.
  • Having several large or many small moles.

Cryo Pen SystemCryo Pen System


The CyroPen is the best treatment option for non- recurrent basal cell skin cancer

CyroPen: This is the state-of-the-art treatment modality that freezes the wart to -130F and kills the virus. The rods in the Helium cooled devise come in various diameters to suit various wart sizes. The Cryopen rod is applied to the wart 10 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on the thickness and toughness of the lesion. The freezing will cause a blister which may last for 3 to 5 days before it scabs. The scab will fall off within 2 weeks. This skin area will remain light colored for a few months and would completely disappear, leaving no scars. he Cryopen is the best treatment for the molluscum contagiosum warts with minimal discomfort and no scarring.

CryoPen advantages are:
  • No contact with dangerous cryogenic gases or liquids.
  • Immediate treatment without a referral.
  • Quiet, patient-friendly, low risk procedure.
  • Simple, safe, effective treatment.