Gavini Pediatric & ADHD Clinics

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Seborrheic Keratoses on the face Seborrheic Keratoses on the face

Seborrheic Keratoses on face Seborrheic Keratoses

Seborrheic Keratoses

What is Seborrheic Keratoses

There are several skin lesions that are very common and benign (non-cancerous). These conditions include moles, freckles, skin tags, benign lentigines, and seborrheic keratoses. Seborrheic keratoses are skin growths that some people get as they age. These skin growths often appear on the back or chest, but they can occur on any part of the body. They grow slowly, and they may appear as single growths or in groups. Seborrheic keratoses does not spread from person to person. These skin growths are common in middle-aged people, but they can appear as early as the teen years. There is no known way to prevent them.

Signs and Symptoms

The symptoms of a seborrheic keratoses may include:
  • Range in color from white to light tan to black. Most are brown. Some are multi colored.
  • Range in size from tiny to larger than 1 inch in diameter.
  • Range in texture from waxy and smooth to velvety to dry, rough, and bump.
  • They can itch, bleed easily, or become red and irritated when clothing rubs them.
  • Slowly grow over time and seldom go away on their own.


There is no known way to prevent them but research has found that:
  • They tend to run in families.
  • They seem to be related to sun exposure.

Cryo Pen SystemCryo Pen System


The treatment depends on the type of wart. The common treatments are abrasion, cautery with acids and cryo-treatment.

Skin abrasion is the first step in treating molluscom contagiosum. Skin abrasion uses a small abrasive device that easily and painlessly removes the first layer of skin to prep the lesion for treatment.

Trichloracetic acid (TCA): For molluscom contagiosum TCA is an effective treatment because it destroys the proteins in the viral cells. A petroleum jelly will be applied around the healthy skin area of the wart to protect the intact skin. TCA is then applied and is a clear, watery liquid that is painted on the warts with an applicator. The warts will turn a whitish color and shrink.

CyroPen: This is the state-of-the-art treatment modality that freezes the wart to -130F and kills the virus. The rods in the Helium cooled devise come in various diameters to suit various wart sizes. The Cryopen rod is applied to the wart 10 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on the thickness and toughness of the lesion. The freezing will cause a blister which may last for 3 to 5 days before it scabs. The scab will fall off within 2 weeks. This skin area will remain light colored for a few months and would completely disappear, leaving no scars. he Cryopen is the best treatment for the molluscum contagiosum warts with minimal discomfort and no scarring.

CryoPen advantages are:
  • No contact with dangerous cryogenic gases or liquids.
  • Immediate treatment without a referral.
  • Quiet, patient-friendly, low risk procedure.
  • Simple, safe, effective treatment.