Gavini Pediatric & ADHD Clinics

26850 Providence Parkway, Suite 300, Novi, MI 48374 :: 248.348.4200 ::

What is Herpes Simplex

It is a virus that causes sores in the region of the body that has contracted the virus. There are two common strains of the Herpes Simplex virus, HSV-1 and HSV 2. HSV-1 causes sores around the mouth and lips, and can also be the cause of genital herpes. However, genital herpes is usualy caused by HSV-2. Like HSV-1, HSV-2 can cause sores in areas other than the genitals, but usually doesn't.

HSV-2 is highly contagious because it spreads through skin-skin contact and sexual contact, unlike HSV-1 that must be transmitted via fluid exchange.


HSV-1 is passed through sores or oral secretion. This is done usually by sharing objects like toothbrushes or eating utensils, or by kissing.

The virus dies very quickly outside of the body. As such is it almost impossible to get an infection from a toilet or shared objects.

Signs and Symptoms

Initial symptoms following in the first few weeks after infection are pain and itching. Several days later, bumps that are small and red or white blisters appear. They eventually rupture, causing them to become ulcers which bleed and ooze. Scabs eventually form and the ulcers heal.

The first outbreak is typically considered to be the worst. In the initial outbreak, flu-like symptoms are typically experienced. Painful urination may be experienced during an outbreak, as well as pain and tenderness in the genitals and groin area.

Herpes Simplex There are several factors that can contribute to or cause an outbreak:
  • Menstruation
  • Illness
  • Surgery
  • Fatigue
  • Stress

Risk Factors

It is easier for transmission to be passed from man to woman than woman to man. Thus, being a woman puts an individual at a higher risk.

Having many sexual partners puts an individual at a higher risk.


There are several complications that can come along with herpes. First is the increase of obtaining another STD infection due to the sores on the genitals caused by herpes.

Sometimes bladder problems occur as the sores from herpes can cause inflammation around the urethra. It is possible sometimes that the swelling can cause the urethra to be closed for a period of several days. At this time it will likely be necessary to have a catheter inserted to drain the bladder.

There are rare instances in which meningitis occurs as a result of an HSV infection. This condition is caused by an inflammation of the membranes can cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.

Another possible complication from Herpes is rectal inflammation. Particularly men who have sex with men can experience this complication as herpes can cause an inflammation of the lining of the rectum.


Herpes has no cure. There are antiviral treatments that are meant to reduce symptoms, speed up the recovery time from infections, and reduce the frequency of outbreak as well as reducing the chance of transmission to another.

If you're pregnant and you have herpes, talk to your doctor about precautionary measures you’ll need to take during your pregnancy. If you're pregnant and think that you may have herpes, get tested and speak with your doctor.


Use a condom every time as well as limit your number of sexual partners. Avoid intercourse with an individual that has an outbreak in either the genitals or anywhere else on the body.