26850 Providence Parkway Suite #300, Novi, MI, 48374
Phone: 248.348.4200
Fax: 248.380.6457
Gavini Pediatric & ADHD Clinics26850 Providence Parkway, Suite 300, Novi, MI 48374 :: 248.348.4200www.ADHDclinic.com :: www.YourKidsDoctor.com |
DyslexiaWhat is Dyslexia?A common learning disability found in children with normal vision and intelligence that is characterized by difficulty reading. This condition is considered to be life long, but can be overcome with the assistance of tutoring and special education programs. Emotional support is essential to a child’s success in overcoming dyslexia and learning how to thrive with it. Dyslexia has no cure, and is caused by traits that are inherited that affects how the brain works. |
CausesGenetic inheritance, as dyslexia seems to run in families. Evidence shows dyslexia being linked to genes that control how the brain develops, specifically the part of the brain that deals with language. |
SymptomsBefore school:
Tests and Diagnosis
Treatments and DrugsDrugs are not typically used to treat dyslexia. However they may be used to treat other conditions that may occur alongside dyslexia. Dyslexia is best treated by: