Sore Throat
My toddler has a sore throat. What could be causing it?
There are plenty of reasons why a child's throat might hurt, but at this age, it's more likely that your toddler has sores in his mouth than a throat infection.
If your child has lesions in his mouth from gingivostomatitis or hand, foot, and mouth disease, for example, they can keep him pretty miserable and make it difficult for him to eat. So might teething — have you checked for a new tooth making its way out lately?
It is possible that your toddler has a sore throat caused by any one of a number of viruses, though — probably the same cold or flu virus that's been dogging everyone else in town.
If the doctor diagnoses tonsillitis, it means that the bumpy tissue on either side of the back of your child's throat is infected with a virus or bacteria. The most common bacterial culprit is streptococcus (strep), but again, this is unusual in toddlers.
Irritants in the air — secondhand tobacco smoke, cat or dog dander, dust, and pollen from ragweed, grass, and trees — can also bother a young child's throat and trigger the cold-like symptoms known as allergic rhinitis, or hay fever.
Even dry heat can make it hard for your toddler to swallow if he tends to sleep with his mouth open. (In this case, he may complain of a sore throat when he wakes up but feel fine as soon as he's had something to drink.)
Should I take my toddler to the doctor?
If your toddler has sores in his mouth, you'll want to have the doctor take a look at them. Bacterial infections can spread and damage other parts of your child's body if left untreated, so it's also important to have the doctor look at your child's throat if it's anything more than dry or mildly irritated.
If your child's throat looks nasty (bright red, swollen, or flecked with pus) or he can't swallow easily, open wide, or breathe without difficulty, you should call the doctor right away.
Also check with the doctor if your child has a fever higher than 103 degrees Fahrenheit, loss of appetite, or over-the-top crankiness.
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